Introducing the Quran to people who aren’t Muslim is like opening a door to a big, important book. It’s read by over a billion Muslims, so it’s super important in their lives. You can start by providing some historical background of the Quran and how it was revealed. Then, there’s Quran compilation over 23 years, its unchanged message over since its revelation, Allah (SWT)’s message to mankind, and enrolling them in quran classes for beginners where tutors can introduce and teach them the holy Quran.

5 Steps to Introduce the Quran to the Non-Muslims

Here are some steps every Muslim should follow when introducing Islam to non-Muslims.

Step 1. Historical Background of the Quran and How It Was Revealed

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, holds a significant place in the lives of Muslims worldwide. Understanding its historical background and the circumstances surrounding its revelation provides essential context for non-Muslims. The story begins in 610 CE when Prophet Muhammad, a respected merchant in the Arabian city of Mecca, received the first verses of the Quran through angelic revelation.

The initial revelations occurred during a period of deep contemplation by Muhammad while he meditated in the cave of Hira, situated on the outskirts of Makkah. The first encounter with the angel Gabriel left Muhammad shaken but ultimately led to his acceptance of his role as a messenger of God.

As Muhammad began sharing these revelations with his close companions, a community of believers gradually formed around him. The early verses of the Quran addressed societal issues, spiritual guidance, and moral principles relevant to the community at the time.

Step 2. Compiling the Quran Over 23 Years

It took 23 years to complete the Holy Quran, starting around the year 610 CE. The Quran’s pieces were revealed bit by bit to Prophet Muhammad by an angel named Gabriel, who brought messages from God.

At first, these messages were shared verbally among the Prophet’s companions, who memorized them carefully. As more pieces of the Quran puzzle were revealed, they were written down on various materials like palm leaves, parchment, and even bones.

One important event in this process was when the Prophet instructed his companions to write down the revealed verses to ensure their preservation. Another crucial moment came during the Prophet’s farewell pilgrimage, where he delivered his final sermon, reinforcing the importance of the Quran’s teachings.

After the Prophet Muhammad passed away in 632 CE, his followers, called the companions, gathered all the written and memorized pieces of the Quran. Under the leadership of the first caliph, Abu Bakr, they compiled these pieces into a single book to preserve its message for future generations.

Step 3. The Quran’s Unchanged Message Over All These Years

One remarkable aspect of the Quran is that its message has remained unchanged over centuries. From the time of its revelation over 1,400 years ago until today, not a single word has been added, removed, or altered. This consistency is often attributed to the divine promise mentioned in the Quran itself, where Allah declares,

Indeed, it is We who sent down the Quran and indeed, We will be its guardian” (Quran 15:9).

This verse assures believers that Allah Himself is the protector of the Quran, ensuring its preservation from any form of corruption or distortion. Muslims around the world take great pride in the fact that they recite the same words and follow the same teachings as their predecessors did centuries ago.

Step 4. The Quran Is the Final Message of Allah (SWT) to Mankind

The Quran stands as the ultimate and final message from Allah (SWT) to humanity. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized this in his farewell sermon during his last pilgrimage, declaring,

Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.”

This statement underscores the Quran’s significance as the ultimate guide for all aspects of life.

In Sahih Bukhari, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) reaffirms this finality, saying, “I have left among you two things which will never lead you astray: the Book of Allah and my Sunnah (traditions).” Another hadith states, “The Prophet said,

‘The example of the Quran and that of Islam is like that of a man who illuminated his house with lamps. When the lamps were extinguished, he lit them again with the sunlight.’ (Sahih Bukhari)

Step 5. Addressing Common Misconceptions Regarding the Quran

One effective approach to introducing the Quran to non-Muslims is by dispelling common misconceptions surrounding it. Let’s address three prevalent misconceptions and provide clear answers:

Misconception 1: The Quran promotes violence.

Answer: The Quran advocates peace and harmony, emphasizing the sanctity of life. While there are verses addressing self-defense in the context of wartime, they are subject to specific conditions and are not applicable in peaceful situations.

Misconception 2: The Quran is only for Muslims.

Answer: While the Quran is the holy book of Islam, its teachings hold universal value and relevance for all humanity. It contains guidance on various aspects of life, including morality, justice, and spirituality, which can benefit people of all faiths or beliefs.

Misconception 3: The Quran is difficult to understand.

Answer: While the Quran’s language is profound, there are translations and interpretations available in numerous languages. Additionally, studying the Quran with guidance from knowledgeable scholars or using accessible resources can enhance understanding and appreciation of its message.

5 Tips on How Should Non-Muslims Understand the Quran

1. Reading the Noorani Qaida

The Noorani Qaida is a beginner’s guide to learning the Arabic alphabet and pronunciation rules, making it easier to read the Quran. It teaches the basics of Arabic letters, vowels, and their combinations. Starting from the noorani qaida course is the first step for non-Muslims to learn Quran.

With simple exercises and audio support, learners can gradually improve their reading skills. Many online resources offer free Noorani Qaida lessons, making them accessible to anyone interested in learning to read the Quran.

2. Learn the Most Common Tajweed Rules

Tajweed rules are essential for proper Quran recitation. Learning rules like elongation (madd), pauses (waqf), and proper pronunciation (makhraj) helps maintain the Quran’s integrity.

Lots of online platforms provide detailed explanations and practice exercises to help learners master these rules. By applying Tajweed principles, non-Muslims can improve quran recitation and understand the significance of each word’s pronunciation.

3. Read the Quran’s Tafsir

Tafsir refers to explanations and interpretations of the Quranic verses. Websites like offer various Tafsir options, including classical and modern interpretations, helping readers understand the Quran’s deeper meanings.

4. Understand the Meaning of What You’re Reading

Understanding the Quran’s meaning is crucial for appreciating its message. Websites like provide translations in multiple languages, enabling non-Muslims to comprehend the Quran’s teachings in their native tongue by following quran reading plan.

Additionally, studying word-for-word translations helps grasp the Quran’s intricate meanings and enriches the reading experience.

5. Memorize Short Ayahs/Surahs

Memorizing short verses (ayahs) or chapters (surahs) of the Quran aids in better retention and spiritual connection. Websites like offer tools and quran memorization methods to learn Quranic verses by heart systematically.

Non-Muslims can start with shorter surahs like Al-Fatiha or verses with universal themes to gradually build their memorization skills and deepen their understanding of the Quranic message. Starting with short chapters is an easy way to learn quran for beginners.


Introducing the Quran to non-Muslims is about building bridges of understanding and mutual respect. By addressing misconceptions, offering practical tips, and providing accessible resources, we strive to make the Quran’s wisdom and guidance more approachable.

Whether it’s learning to read Arabic, understanding Tajweed rules, or exploring Tafsir, there are numerous ways for non-Muslims to engage with the Quran’s teachings.