وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ
And indeed we have made the Quran easy for seeking advice. So, is there one to seek advice?
Quran is the word of Allah and we are guided directly through it. Its supremacy and divinity deserve to be treated extraordinarily. This beautiful book is a key to our salvation and certainly has a proper code of conduct, etiquette, and the right ways to be read.
Sheikh Omer Suleman says that the Quran should be engaged in all forms; reading, understanding, listening, learning, and teaching. Let’s delve into this topic and find out the right ways of reading it. Moreover, you can also get online Quran recitation course and consult with quran tutor.
Table of Contents
Toggle6 Best Right Ways Of Reading the Quran
Now that we know how much we can read at a maximum and we also have some schedules to follow to bring consistency to Quran reading, here are the right ways of reading the Quran.
1. Purification and Ablution
The primary concern is purity and cleanliness. You can’t touch the book of Allah without purification ( taharat) and ablution (Wudu). Touch the Quranic verses with your fingers after wudu and obligatory purification. If you are reading without Mushaf, orally, then it is permissible to read without wudu too. You can read it anytime.
2. Face Qibla
Many scholars are of the view to respect Quran in a dignified way and face Qibla when you are reading Quran. Although you can read it while walking, driving, and traveling too, where you are not sure about the qibla direction, but when sitting at home, turn towards the Qibla to read Quran
3. Recite Ta’uz and Tasmia
Don’t start reading Quran right away. We have ta’us and Tasmia to read first to keep Shaitan away and seek Allah’s protection.
اعوذ باللہ من الشیطان الرجیم
“I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed”
بسم اللّٰه الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
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4. Recite at a Slow Pace
You are not in a race to win, so read the Quran at a slow pace to recite each letter correctly and find that spiritual connection with Allah while doing so. Also, when you read slowly, you have the meaning of the verses in mind but when you rush through the lines, nothing is understood, intact you might have committed so many mistakes.
5. Be Conscious of Tajweed Rules
Quran reading has a set of rules to be followed. Non-Arab readers need to learn and practice those rules that are called Tajweed. Quran ought to be read in proper Arabic pronunciation and no mixture of native dialects can be mixed in it. It is obligatory to learn to read Quran with Tajweed to avoid language errors.
6. Ponder over the Meaning
Allah says in Surah Nisa, 82,
“Do they not think deeply in the Qur’an”
It shows that we are ordered to ponder over the deep meaning hidden in the verses to enlighten us.
Also, understanding the verses will not affect your heart and soul the way they do with proper comprehension. if you are a beginner and do not have proper knowledge then must enroll yourself in learn quran for beginners course at Hidayah Network.
How Much Should You Recite Quran Daily
Prophet Muhammad SAWW said,
“Read the Qur’an in seven days and do not read it in less than three days”.
The reason for this is again found in the hadith that no one properly understands who read Quran in less than three days. So, it is appreciated to read it less but with understanding.
Read Quran daily with consistency and set a little portion for yourself. For example;
➡ ️ Read one Rukuh after every prayer.
➡ ️ Read one chapter (Juz) daily to finish Quran in a month.
➡️ Read a whole Surah in one sitting regardless of its length.
➡ ️ Read at least a few Verses daily if you can’t do the above three.
Follow all of these reading guidelines to Learn how to recite Quran for beginners perfectly.
Best Quran Reading Schedules
You must have witnessed that Quran reading is not practiced properly in normal months other than Ramadan. We love to complete the entire Quran in that month but for the next 11 months, it’s difficult to complete even 1 Quran. So Hidayah Network has very easy-going Quran schedules that can be followed conveniently.

1 Month Quran reading Schedule.
If you can dedicate good enough time to Quran reading to finish it in a month then follow this quran reading schedule. You can alter and adjust the number of pages according to your feasibility too.
1 Juz = 20 pages
So read 4 pages after all 5 Salah to finish 1 Juz daily and all 30 Juz in a month.
6 Month Quran reading Schedule.
If you think you can do justice with the reading and want to read fewer portions then follow this plan.
5 Juz Monthly = Whole Quran in 6 Months.
5 Juz has 100 pages and reading 3.5 pages daily can make you complete 5 Juz in a month and 30 Juz in 6 Months.
12 Month Quran reading Schedule.
No worries if you are reading Quran gradually, at least you are opening the book of Allah daily. I tend to complete the Quran in a year to start the 2nd reading in the next year.
2.5 Juz Monthly = 30 Juz Yearly
It is super smooth to read at least 2.5 Juz in a month to complete your entire book in 1 year.
2.5 Juz has 45 pages and reading 1.5 pages daily can make you complete the Quran in 1 year.
Final Words
You can choose any reading plan but follow the proper ways to ensure connection, association, and utmost respect for this beautiful book that is full of guidance and salvation. You are welcome to Join Quran reading classes at Hidayah Network to improve your pronunciation and learn Quran online under the guidance of native Egyptian Quran tutors. Let’s change the habit of reading the Quran only in Ramadan and start reading it daily, even only a verse maybe!