Quran Hifz is an extremely important endeavor in the life of Muslims. However, retaining the Hifz is even more vital. One way to do that is to continuously revise the Hifz portion. Today, we’ll explore practical and straightforward techniques to enhance your Quranic memorization journey via revision.

From making a habit of reciting Quran during prayers, recording your recitation, and improving via correcting mistakes, making a personalized schedule for old and new Hifz, using different techniques like the old Mauritanian and the Day-After methods, and more, you can revise your in your quran memorization classes. Let us help you in this amazing journey with expert guidance on how you can truly achieve mastery in Hifz revision.

12 Ways to Revise the Quran Hifz

1. Make a Habit of Reciting Quran During Prayers

Cultivating a habit of reciting the Quran during prayers is a transformative practice that deepens spiritual connection and aids in memorization. 

  1. For Fajr, focus on shorter surahs like Al-Fatiha, Al-Ikhlas, and Al-Falaq. 
  2. During Dhuhr, allocate time for longer surahs like Al-Baqarah. 
  3. For Asr, concentrate on sections from Al-Ma’idah.
  4. Maghrib can include revisiting Al-Rahman and Al-Hadid. 
  5. Isha is ideal for intricate surahs such as Al-Imran. 

Tailoring your recitation to prayer times optimizes both spiritual devotion and effective Quranic memorization.

2. Record Your Recitation and Improve by Correcting Mistakes

Recording your recitation serves as a valuable tool for self-improvement and precision. Here’s a step-by-step guide along with creative tips:

Tips for Recording and Improving Recitation

  • Record your recitation using a smartphone or a dedicated recorder.
  • Play back the recording and listen attentively to identify pronunciation and fluency errors.
  • Make a list of specific areas where improvement is needed, such as pronunciation, Tajweed rules, or rhythm.
  • Listen to professional recitations to grasp correct pronunciation and intonation.
  • Periodically record your recitation to track progress and address new areas for improvement.

In the quran hifz course, you can record your recitation and share it with your tutor and get your mistakes highlighted.

3. Make a Personalized Schedule for Old and New Revision

Creating a personalized revision schedule is crucial for effective Quranic memorization. Here’s a beginner-friendly guide to structuring your revision:

  • Allocate more time to revising verses or chapters that pose challenges.
  • Mix daily revision with learning new verses to maintain a well-rounded approach.

In addition, try to establish realistic daily and weekly goals to avoid burnout and maintain consistency. Schedule more challenging revisions during times when you’re most alert and focused. Break down revision into manageable sessions, incorporating short breaks to stay refreshed.

4. Use the Old Mauritanian Technique to Revise

The Old Mauritanian Technique, rooted in traditional Quranic memorization, involves reciting memorized verses aloud, backwards, and with closed eyes. Learners challenge themselves by relying solely on memory, enhancing recall and deepening understanding.

Teaching the memorized portion to someone else further reinforces retention. Regularly reviewing previously memorized sections completes this method, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to Quranic revision.

  • Practice reciting the memorized verses aloud without looking at the Quran.
  • Reverse the order of the verses during revision to enhance recall.
  • Challenge yourself by reciting with closed eyes to rely solely on memory.
  • Share your memorization with a friend or family member, reinforcing your understanding.
  • Continuously revisit previously memorized sections to strengthen retention.

5. Revise the Toughest Quran Portions After Fajr

Dedicating Fajr for Quranic revision sets a serene and focused tone for the day. Prioritize the most challenging Surahs during this spiritually charged time to enhance concentration and comprehension. Consider revising the following tough Surahs:

  • Surah Al-Baqarah
  • Surah Al-Imran
  • Surah An-Nisa
  • Surah Al-Ma’idah
  • Surah Al-Anfal

Revising these intricate Surahs at dawn allows for a tranquil and undisturbed environment, promoting a deeper connection with the verses.

6. Focus on Active Listening to Strengthen Revision

Active listening is a powerful tool in Quranic revision, aiding in both understanding and memorization.

Here’s how to harness its potential:

  • Give your undivided attention while listening to Quranic recitations.
  • Mimic the recitation to reinforce your memory and improve pronunciation.
  • Actively ponder upon the meanings of the verses to deepen comprehension.
  • Listen to different reciters for diverse styles and intonations.

Use Background Recitation: Incorporate soft Quranic recitation as a backdrop during daily activities for continuous exposure.

7. The ‘Day After’ Method of Revising the Quran

The ‘Day After’ Method involves revisiting Quranic verses the day after initially learning them. This intentional delay in revision serves to reinforce memory and solidify comprehension.

Here are four practical tips to effectively implement the ‘Day After’ Method:

  1. After the initial memorization, take a moment to reflect on the verses and visualize them in your mind.
  2. Attempt to recall the memorized verses without looking at the Quran, reinforcing reliance on memory.
  3. Write down the verses from memory, enhancing both visual and tactile memory cues.
  4. Recite the memorized portion aloud to reinforce auditory memory and pronunciation.

8. Dedicate at Least 30 Minutes for Intensive Revision

Allocating a minimum of 30 minutes daily for intensive Quranic revision is a key strategy in fortifying memorization. This focused time allows for in-depth contemplation, repetition, and consolidation of the memorized verses.

During this dedicated period, aim to review challenging sections, identify weak points, and solidify your overall understanding of the Quran. Consistency in this practice contributes significantly to long-term retention, enabling a more profound connection with the divine verses.

9. Recite and Revise with Closed Eyes to Enhance Concentration

Enhance concentration during Quranic revision by incorporating the practice of reciting and revising with closed eyes. This technique stimulates the mind to rely solely on memory, deepening your connection with the verses.

Utilize the following points for an effective closed-eye revision:

  • Close your eyes to eliminate external stimuli, fostering an environment of heightened focus.
  • Rely on your auditory senses to reinforce memorization through repeated recitation.
  • the verses in your mind, creating a mental image that aids in recall and understanding.

10. Revise in Small Parts to Avoid Forgetting

Divide Quranic revision into manageable segments to prevent information overload and ensure sustained recall. Reviewing in small parts offers the following benefits:

  • Breaking down revision into smaller sections prevents cognitive overload.
  • Concentrate on specific portions to maintain a high level of attention.
  • Small, frequent reviews are more manageable.

Recalling small parts can increasing memoring capacity and by this individuals can memorize quran without forgetting.

11. Always Recite Once Before You Sit Down for Revision

Prepare yourself for an effective Quranic revision by incorporating a brief recitation before diving into your study session. This pre-revision recital serves as a helpful ritual, optimizing your mindset for focused learning. Consider the following steps:

  1. Engage your memory by reciting the targeted verses before starting your revision.
  2. Use this initial recitation to identify areas that may need extra attention during the revision.
  3. Create a mental framework for the upcoming revision, ensuring a more efficient and fruitful study session.

12. Consistently Take Your Quran Tutor’s Help for Better Revision

Seeking guidance from a hifz teacher is invaluable for enhancing your revision process. A tutor can provide personalized feedback, correct pronunciation, and offer insights into the meaning and context of the verses.

Regular interactions with a tutor ensure that you receive structured guidance, address any challenges promptly, and benefit from their experience in Quranic memorization. Consistency in seeking your tutor’s help fosters a supportive learning environment.

Weekly Quran Hifz Revision Schedule

DayTime SlotRevision DurationPages to ReviseAyahs to Revise
MondayMorning30 minutes5 pages15 Ayahs
TuesdayAfternoon1 hour10 pages30 Ayahs
WednesdayEvening1.30 hours15 pages45 Ayahs
ThursdayMorning2 hours20 pages60 Ayahs
FridayAfternoon30 minutes5 pages15 Ayahs
SaturdayEvening1 hour10 pages30 Ayahs
SundayMorning1.30 hours15 pages45 Ayahs

How Much Should You Revise Each Day?

When it comes to Quranic revision, a practical approach is crucial. Aim for a consistent routine of three to five hours per day, allowing for breaks and maintaining a healthy balance.

This totals to 15-20 hours per week, aligning with effective study habits. Remember, quality matters more than quantity, so focus on understanding and internalizing the verses.

Pro Tip: Taking weekends off ensures a well-deserved rest, promoting long-term retention and preventing burnout. Tailor your revision duration based on personal comfort and proficiency, gradually increasing it as your confidence grows.


Consistency and intention are your guiding stars. Embrace these practical quran memorization techniques with dedication, understanding that the beauty of Hifz lies not just in the destination but in the daily commitment to learning and revising.

With a balanced approach, incorporating traditional methods and contemporary insights, you pave the way for a profound connection with the Quran.