Welcome to enroll in our very unique, thrilling, and featured-packed new online hifz course of Surah Al Baqarah. It’s time to delve into the themes, lessons, stories, and memorize Surah Al-Baqarah online which is considered one of the “Two bright ones”.
How Do We Conduct Surah Al-Baqarah Memorization Course?
This Surah has 286 verses stretched into 2.5 Juz with main themes and topics arranged systematically. We will begin the course with:
➡️ An introduction to Surah Al Baqarah by covering the great rewards it has, the benefits of reciting and learning it, and the salvation it holds.
➡️ Then, an overview of the 1st Juz will be discussed through animations and PowerPoint Slides.
➡ ️The overview of the 2nd Juz through Multimedia.
➡ ️ Benefits and rewards of the recitation and learning of the longest Ayat in Juz 3 that nearly concludes Surah Al Baqarah.
➡ ️ The reason this Surah is named Al-Baqarah.
➡ ️ The stories covered in the Surah.
➡ ️ Stepping into the Online Quran memorization process with multiple plans to help students choose the one they are comfortable with.
Schedules to Memorize The Longest Surah Of the Quran

To make the hifz easy and enjoyable, we have designed several plans based on different completion periods. The two main categories are:
Memorizing 5 Verses Per Day
In this category, you have the option to choose the number of days you can attend class per week. The more online hifz classes every week, the sooner you will finish. The options are:
✅ 5 days per week (3 Months)
✅ 4 days per week (3.5 Months)
✅ 3 days per week (4.5 Months)
The other option you have is the duration of the class. We offer 30, 45, and 60-minute classes.
Memorizing 7 Verses Per Day
Ready to Challenge your capacity? We will help you accurately and efficiently memorize 7 verses daily with the following days’ options:
✅ 5 Days per Week (2 Months)
✅ 4 Days per Week (2.5 Months)
✅ 3 Days per Week (3 Months)
Imagine memorizing the biggest Surah in less than 6 months with proper Tajweed, understanding, and discussions!
Other than these plans you can customize your plan according to your feasibility. The examples could be:
✅ Memorize Surah Al-baqarah in 365 days (a year)
✅ 10 Months Surah Al Baqarah Plan
✅ 6-8 Months Plan
Surah Al-Baqarah Hifz plan ( 286 verses )
Days – Verses – Weeks
✅ 7 days a week – 5 verses – 8 Weeks
✅ 6 days a week – 6 Verses – 9 Weeks
✅ 7 days a week – 10 verses – 4 Weeks
✅ 6 days a week – 12 Verses – 4 Weeks
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Levels Of Surah Al-Baqarah
No need to panic about the length of the Surah. You will memorize it by achieving small milestones as our hafiz teachers have to explain the meaning, history, lessons, and Tajweed too.
So, we have set some levels to complete the entire Surah easily. Each level has a test at the end to ensure flawless memorization along with excellent pronunciation and recitation tone.
➡️ 1st Half Of Juz One
➡️ 2nd Half Of Juz One
➡️ 1st Half Of Juz Two
➡️ 2nd Half Of Juz Two
➡️ 1st Quarter of Juz 3
What Else Will You Learn Besides Memorization?
It is not only about memorizing 286 verses! Hidayah Network has planned something special for you. Let’s go beyond the learning and understand the meaning with detail and focus on the Tajweed to have phenomenal recitation too.
You will learn:
➡ ️ Proper Tajweed without being hasty to memorize verses quickly.
➡ Word-by-Word translation to add almost 100 Arabic Words to your vocabulary.
➡️ Chapter-based Tafseer (covering Rukuh).
➡️ Mind-mapping and storyboard preparations of main themes in Surah.
➡️ Major Laws of Human life that are covered in this Surah.
➡️ Brief discussion on Ayat-Al Kursi and its benefits.
➡️ Brief discussion on the last 2 Verses of Surah Al Baqarah and their significance.
➡ ️ Revisions of verses 5 times that are memorized daily.
➡ ️ Surah Al Baqarah Presentation day, in which you will not only recite the verses by heart but also present the details on multimedia.
Our Team Of Tutors To Conduct This Hifz Course
To bring excellence and premium quality to this course’s objectives, we have hired some of the best native Egyptian huffaz tutors who will lead you in this journey and guide you at every step.
➡️ You have the option to choose a male or a female tutor for your hifz plan.
➡️ All the teachers are Ijazah certified so you don’t need to worry about the Tajweed and Translation authenticity.
➡️ The tutors at Hidayah Network fluently speak English and can teach anyone around the globe.
➡️ They are available on weekends too so you can avail of such an opportunity to make your hifz perfect.
➡️ Check out the profiles and resumes of our eminent tutors to know more about their qualifications.
Surah Al Baqarah Memorization Course Outcomes
We intend to achieve some clear outcomes which are predefined in the beginning to light a spark in you to follow them religiously and achieve every single objective.
➡️ Memorized the longest surah with proper Tajweed.
➡ ️ Learned the meaning of the verses and the details they hold.
➡️ Learned to apply the laws and orders presented in this Surah.
➡️ Memorized and recited the entire Surah in one go.
➡️ Learned basic grammar rules used in the verses frequently.
➡️ Cleared all the tests based on Juz, chapters, and themes.
What Do We Offer?
This amazing course is multi-featured and this is what we offer to our users that can amaze you.
➡️ Affordable fee per hour
➡️ Separate Group classes for males and females.
➡️Hifz Certificate with achieved distinction mentioned on top.
➡️ Availability on Saturdays and Sundays.
➡️ All the Course material like worksheets for mind mapping, Tafseer books, pdf files of meanings, evaluation reports, and hifz tracker.
➡️Digital Quiz Account for the practice of hifz lessons online.
➡️ Recordings of famous Qaris verses by verse to practice.
Frequently Asked Questions
To memorize the longest Surah of the Quran fast, you need to work systematically. You must have a Juz-wise planner to learn the Surah in 3 levels. Further levels can be added in each juz to make it easily achievable.
This Surah is considered a light and is beneficial for protection from the evil eye, black magic, jealousy, and all sorts of negative traits. Reciting or listening to Surah Al baqarah brings blessings and good tides. The last two verses are the best ones to be recited for protection.
Yes, if you are following a skillfully structured and systematically designed plan, then it is easy to memorize. If not, then you will find it difficult halfway through hifz.
It keeps Shaitan away.
It brings blessings from Allah.
It heals the patients.
It removes all the hurdles one feels in the tasks like risq, marriage, employment, etc.
It guarantees Jannah as reciting its longest verse (Ayat AlKursi) after every obligatory prayer takes the reader to Jannah.
As this Surah contains 3 of the most read verses (Ayat AlKusri and the last 2 verses). The reward of the former is that it takes to Jannah and the reward of the former is that it protects at night and from all sorts of evil.