Surah Feel

Surah Feel

What is Surah Feel?

Surah Feel is the 105th chapter of the holy Quran. The meaning of the word “Feel” is “The Elephant.” Surah feel was revealed in Mecca, so it is a Mecci surah. It has five verses and 23 words. The Juza of surah feel is 30.  Surah Feel was revealed on the most crucial occasion in the history of Islam. We will discuss a few things related to Surah Feel in this article.

English Translation of Surah Feel

There are five verses in Surah al-Feel, and we will give a translation of each verse there. We have taken the English Translation of Surah Feel from the most famous book of Tafsir “Maarif-ul-Quran. The meanings of Surah Feel are as:

  1. Muhammad SAW, have you not noticed how your Lord had taken grip over the companions of the Elephant?
  2. Did the Lord not change their plan and astray them?
  3. And Lord sent a heavy flock of birds on them,
  4. Hitting them with small stones of tough and hard clay.
  5. He then made them like an empty field of stalks, and straw (of which the corn) has been eaten up.
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Surah Feel Tafsir

This is one of the courtesies Allah accomplished for the Quraish. He spared them from the Elephant People who had attempted to destroy the Ka’bah and crash all hints of its reality. Allah annihilated them, crushed them, ruined their arrangements, put forth their attempts to no end, and sent them back steered. They were Christians, and along these lines, their religion was nearer to the True Religion (Islam) than the excessive admiration of the Quraish.

Ayah 1:

  • Muhammad SAW, have you not noticed how your Lord had taken grip over the companions of the Elephant?

Allah Almighty starts this Surah by saying, “Have you not seen.” because its primary location is not just to Muhammad SAW, also to the Quraish and the whole Arab. These were the individuals who had seen with their own eyes the occasion of the pulverization of the Elephant individuals, for it had happened only around forty to 45 years sooner. The individuals of Arabia had heard continuously it depicted by the observers themselves, so they had gotten so sure of it like they had seen it with their own eyes.

Ayah 2:

  • Did the Lord not change their plan and astray them?

The word “kayd” shows a hidden plan intended to hurt someone. The inquiry is, what was the mystery of this situation? 60,000 soldiers and a few elephants had migrated from Yemen to Makkah openly, and they had stayed quiet that they had come to devastate the Ka’bah.

Hence, there was nothing mysterious about this thought. In any case, what were a hidden things and the rationale of the Abyssinians? They, by devastating the Ka’bah, squashing down the Quraish, and threatening the Arabs, needed to assume responsibility for the shipping lane that drove from south Arabia to Syria and Egypt.

Ayah 3, 4 and 5

  • And Lord sent a heavy flock of birds on them,
  • Hitting them with small stones of tough and hard clay.
  • He then made them like an empty field of stalks, and straw (of which the corn) has been eaten up.

The word “Ababil” implies many isolated and dissipated groups of humans or many other animals, which progressively come from various sides.

  • Qatadah and Ikrimah state that these multitudes of birds had come from the Red Seaside.
  • Ikrimah states that I had not seen such winged fowls before and never after that. I think they were not the birds of Najd, Hijaz, and Timamah (the areas among the Red Sea and Hijaz).
  • Hazrat Ibn e Abbas says that birds’ beaks resembled those of winged creatures and hooks like the canine’s paw.
  • Hazrat Ikrimah has expressed that the heads of birds resembled the tops of the winged creatures of prey, and practically all the columnists have concurred that each bird conveyed a stone in its snout and two stones in its paws. So, the individuals of Makkah had these stones saved with them for quite a while.
  • One more person explained by saying that he had seen the hard clay tossed on the Elephant’s people; they rose to a little pea seed in size and were dull red in shading.
  • Ibn e Hisham at that point stated, “A portion of the pundits have referenced that it is two Persian words that the Arabs have made into a single word. The two words are Sanj and Jil, “Sanj” is for stones, and “Jil” means dirt. The stones are made up of stone and mud.”

Story of the Revelation of Surah Fil

As we know from the name of Surah Fil, there is a story related to Elephants. Nam of the Surah mentions the Elephant army and tells us about the Abyssinian campaign against Muslims and Mecca in the era of Christianity in the year 552. Abraha was the Christian Viceroy of Yemen, which was ruled by Abyssinians. He wanted to convert the holy Ka’bah to a Christian church. When his plan failed, he tried to destroy and wrap up the existence of the holy Ka’bah.

Along with a few elephants, he and his people traveled towards Mecca to take a grip over the Muslims of Quraish. But Allah helped the Muslims and protected the Holy Ka’bah. He sent many flocks who have one or two pieces of hard clay and threw them on the people of the Elephant. They had tortured them badly and, in this way, Allah helped the Muslims of Quraish.

The Arabs [who?] depict the year wherein this occasion occurred as the “Year of the Elephant,” and Muhammad was conceived in the same year. The traditionists and history writers consistently express that this occasion had happened in Muharram, and Muhammad was brought into the world in the month of Rabi-ul-Awal. A dominant part of them represents that he took birth 50 days after the occasion of the Elephant.

Importance of reading Surah Feel

Hazrat Muhammad SAW told that:

  • Surah Feel recitation will protect you from harmful creatures after reading this 313 times in a single day after Isha prayer for 40 days continuously.
  • Surah Feel protects you from many health problems like High Blood pressure, Sugar and can be cured by reading it.

Virtues of Reading Surah Feel

Some of the virtues of reading of Surah Feel are:

  • Recitation of Surah al-Feel gives security from foes and helps everyone to solve issues.
  • If you read Surah Feel over a weapon, it would hit the objective and destroy the competitor’s weapons.
  • If you read Surah Feel, it will help you get rid of your enemies, and their challenges and issues tackled rapidly. Recitation of this Surah is useful to get protection from fiendish dictators and rulers.
  • If Surah Feel is recounted and read over an individual in a difficult situation, his concerns and inconveniences will disappear. The reciter of Surah Fil would consistently have an advantage over his rival.

Surah al-Feel Tafsir with Hidayah Network Online

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We realize from Surah Feel that you will get Allah’s help in hard times always as Muslims. Allah never leaves alone, a person who has a strong belief in the oneness of Allah. The individual who needs to learn Surah Feel in a superior manner, he needs to gain proficiency with the Tafsir of the Holy Quran. i

Tafsir of Surah al-Feel shows us that Allah is the creator and protector of all Muslims and human beings.

To learn more: 10 Reasons Why Learning Tafsir Is Important
Hazrat Muhammad SAW said that always have a strong belief in Allah.  It is a must for everybody to gain proficiency with the Holy Quran in a superior manner.

Learn Surah Fil and get the best awards upon the arrival of judgment as it shields us from negative contemplations and incorrect ways. First Learn the Arabic language to get fast learn Quran.

Find Out More : Surah al Nas

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