How To Memorize Quran In 6 Months

How To Memorize Quran In 6 Months
Memorize Quran In 6 Months

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra!

The title seems a little extraordinary! Right? Yes, it is for those who believe in hard work, dedication, and continuous devotion to achieve what seems impossible to others but possible to the doers.

Memorizing Quran in 6 months is not impossible as you only need to channel your energy, manage your time efficiently, and plan skillfully. The boost is required for everyday motivation and it comes from Allah alone. To learn the quran by heart in in 180 days you need to start learning quran from the short surah, follow your Hifz plan, and revise your memorized verses of chapters regularly.

6 Months Quran Memorization Schedule & Plan

Month 1: Preparation and Foundation

WeekGoals and Tasks
1-2Review the basics of Tajweed (pronunciation rules).
3-4Begin with short Surahs (e.g., Al-Fatiha, Al-Ikhlas).
4Set a daily routine for Quran memorization.

Month 2: Establishing a Routine

WeekGoals and Tasks
5-8Focus on memorizing small to medium-sized Surahs.
9Introduce a set amount of new verses daily.
10Continue to revise previously memorized verses

Month 3: Building Momentum

WeekGoals and Tasks
11-14Increase daily memorization targets gradually.
15Start memorizing longer Surahs in sections.
16Consistently revise all memorized verses.

Month 4: Intensifying Memorization

WeekGoals and Tasks
17-20Work on memorizing larger portions of the Quran.
21Begin memorizing Surahs with complex structures.
22Focus on perfecting pronunciation and memorization.

Month 5: Strengthening Memorization

WeekGoals and Tasks
23-26Devote time to reviewing and strengthening weak areas.
27Consolidate memorization of the entire Quran.
28Seek support from a Quran memorization group or mentor.

Month 6: Final Review and Completion

29-30Conduct a final review of the entire Quran.
31Seek guidance from a Quran teacher for corrections.
32Celebrate the completion of your Quran memorization.
29-30Conduct a final review of the entire Quran.

Let’s see what are the prerequisites for memorizing the whole Quran in 180 days.


There are some requirements for this task as, honestly speaking, not everybody can learn the Quran by heart in such a short time. It does not mean you are a loser, it’s only how you’ll manage to complete this challenge.

  1. Extraordinary Intelligent Mind  
  2. Strong determination
  3. Amazing Retention Time
  4. Self-Discipline
  5. Constant Revision
  6. Time Management Skills
  7. Prior Knowledge of the Hifz schedule. 
  8. Basic Tajweed Rules to Read Quran

If you think all these points are uptick for you, then step into this rigorous task which will bring bundles of rewards In sha Allah.

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What Do We Need to Hifz Quran in 6 Months?

To begin this task, firstly you need to get in touch with a professional teacher for Online Quran Memorization. Hidayah Network has a vast range of male and female Egyptian tutors and many of them have achieved this very target successfully.


The reason to hire a teacher is that they can help you out in this tough journey. You need assistance in reading and reciting the new and old lessons to some. A teacher can motivate you and make the task easy for you by devising new techniques of hifz.

Secondly, you need a syllabus breakdown in which the teacher will give you a detailed road map of how and what to learn and revise daily. Your online hifz classes will be counted for the whole six no and the verses will be divided accordingly.

This syllabus breakdown will help you track your progress daily and keep a check on what is coming next.

Thirdly, you need a Mushaf with 15 lines a page, and use this only Mushaf throughout the whole task because your eyes will get used to the font and words. Sometimes students get confused if the Mushaf is changed. A 15-lined Mushaf is a standard copy and it is easy to make a planner according to this Mushaf.

Fourthly, you need to cut off or at least limit your social findings to avail of the time efficiently. Log out from your social media platforms like Fb, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and many others to not let Shaitan involve you in unwanted and unnecessary scrolling. Tune your brain and heart that you have to start a very sacred journey and these props are the hurdles in that task. Let Allah intervene as a Helper and Not Shaitan.

How To Start?

Now let’s dig into the topic and discuss how and where to start this journey from. As you know you have only 180 days in your hands to memorize 30 Juz with a total of 6666 verses. You need to start smartly so that no time is wasted.

Let’s divide the portions skillfully to see how well we can manage to cover the syllabus in 6 months.

Note: Be mindful that there is no off day in this plan because taking a whole day off means you have wasted 24 important hours that could have meant very useful if utilized. 

Ideally, you need to start from the last Juz (Amma) to get perfect in your Tajweed and makharij and also to learn short and easy Surahs first. You will need to memorize 3-4 pages daily (60 lines of the standard Mushaf). If your visuals are extraordinarily strong and you have a photogenic memory, then it is easy to learn 4 pages daily. 

Let your teacher divide the class into small portions to let you memorize a single page in one sitting. Remember you need a class/classes of 4-5 hours daily.

A Big No: The teachers at Hidayah Network give a big no to a long length of class because after all, it’s a human who is memorizing and not a robot who is going to store information quickly. We recommend taking small classes thrice a day to learn 4 pages with breaks. Stretching a class for 3-4 hours will exhaust you badly and is also not good for your mental and physical health.

Revise the lessons in the mid-time when you are done with your rest, lunch, and Prayer. Before the next phase of the lesson, you must have revised the previous lesson at least thrice. 

How to Revise?

Now the question is, how to revise the portions that are memorized daily because you will have a lot of Verses to revise. Learning 60 lines every day means you have to revise 420 lines weekly. Your teacher will then manage to spare a 30-minute class time for revisions as we believe in the quality of the hifz and not the quantity of the verses.

Revise your lessons other than the class time, as it will help you a lot in reducing the revision time weekly. The more you are fluent in your revision recitation, the stronger will be your hifz.

Get Ready For A Test

An absolute requirement for an amazing hifz is your test. Your teacher will let you know when and how many portions you will be tested for. Tests help you work harder on any weaker areas you have. Sometimes it’s crucial to get tested by external examiners because they can analyze better from a third-person perspective.

Which Hifz Technique Will Work Best?

Now the question is, which quran memorization methods you should follow to complete the target in six months with 100% accuracy? So we have two suggestions for that.

Visual Way:

In the subcontinent, teachers prefer using the technique of visualizing the content first. It means you have to read the verses by looking at the Mushaf almost 3-4 times to send a picture image of the page in your brain and also to get the words on your tongue. After reading you have to memorize the lines and see the lines until the season is perfected. 

Aural Way:

In Arabic countries, teachers prefer using the listening technique where you are supposed to listen to the verses you need to memorize. Listen almost 3-4 times to correct your Tajweed and let the words be stored in your memory box. After listening, start learning the verses and try to copy the tune also because it is saved in your memory.

Which Technique Do We Recommend? 

We will suggest mixing both audio and visual techniques to get better results. Memorize the verse with the visual technique and revise the verse with the aural technique so that you can revise even when you are out and not having an online session.

Most of the students ask the question how long does it take to memorize Quran. The answer is it depends on how fast you are. If you are intelligent then you can memorize Quran 2 months or six months even 1 year otherwise it will take 2 to 3 years to complete.

Final Words

Quran memorization in six months is done through continuous revisions and strong dedication. Hidayah Network has different online hifz program with different hifz plans for all students. Pay a visit to our website to learn more about our plans and free trials.

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