What is Fiqh In Islam
Before knowing the importance of Fiqh, one should know what fiqh means, and what fiqh actually is. So, basically, Fiqh refers to the knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence. It relates to understanding and explaining the Islamic rules in the light of the Quran and Sunnah, in order to guide the whole Ummah toward the straight path. Takes the teachings given in the Quran and Hadith in order to use them to determine rulings in situations that are not directly explained, based on ijma and qiyas. As a result, we get perfect rulings for complicated situations.
Why is Fiqh important for Muslims?
According to Sufiyahs “Fiqh is, to merge knowledge with action” (AlMukhtasir al-Qudoori).
Importance of Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh)

Fiqah is important for every Muslim, because of its significance and excellence in understanding the Islamic religion is clearly mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah.
First of all, for a Muslim nothing is more important than gaining the blessings of Allah Almighty, and for the one who gains knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh), Allah Almighty bestows him or her with his blessings. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said, “If Allah wills to bestow someone with special virtue; He makes him a Faqih of the religion” (Bukhari & Muslim).
This hadith clearly tells that the person who has the knowledge of Fiqh, is the beloved person of Allah Almighty. What more than that should a Muslim want?
In Quran e Kareem Allah Almighty says,
“Say, “Are those who know equal to those who don’t know? Surely it is the people of understanding recognize the guidance” (39:9)
This ayah shows that Allah Almighty loves the person having knowledge of Fiqh, and he is on the right path.
Besides this, a person who knows more about Fiqh can perform the tasks of shariah more easily and perfectly than a person who does not have knowledge of Fiqh.
Why should you learn Fiqh?
Now, a question comes why should we learn Fiqh? Why it is so important? We must know that when a person reaches puberty, he becomes an adult, and learning the Fiqh related to the duties of Islam becomes compulsory for him or her. If he or she will not have knowledge of his or her duties, how will he perform them? Also, he is going against the orders of Allah Almighty.
For example, a Muslim knows that performing ablution before Salah is important and without that, our Salah will not be accepted. So he knows that he has to perform ablution but who will tell him how to do that? This is where Fiqh works, Fiqh tells us that how the one who is going to offer prayer will perform ablution. There are many more examples to give on the use of Fiqh in our daily life. But you must know the basics that, all the duties of our beautiful religion Islam are based on Fiqh. That’s why we must know Fiqh if we want to fulfill our duties according to the demand of the Quran o Sunnah.
How Much Fiqh is Compulsory for a Muslim to Learn?
According to Hidayah Network, learning the Fiqh related to all the duties that are obligatory for an adult is compulsory for him or her. Like if someone is a trader, he must learn the jurisprudential issues related to trading. If someone is an adult it’s their duty to perform fasting in the month of Ramadan, therefore he or must know all the Fiqh related to fasting and so on. It is compulsory for every adult to know all the Fiqh related to his duties.
How Learning Fiqh can put Impact a Muslim’s life?

Quran says that “The person who knows is not equal to the person who doesn’t know”. One who has knowledge of Fiqh can guide people toward the right path more decently than an ignorant person. In Islam, Muslims give more respect to their Ulamas (Scholars of Islam). If you are an Islamic scholar, then you will have a high place in Islam with the blessing of Allah Almighty. As the Almighty says in the Holy Book, “No doubt only Islamic scholars fear from God from his men”
Fearing Allah is one of the biggest blessings of all time. Who fears God, no doubt he is the successful person in both worlds.
Who is a Faqih?

Faqih is a person who creates Fiqh using the principles of Islamic jurisprudence. Remember that not everyone can stand up and start creating Fiqh! It is proper art. If a faqih wants to make Fiqh for a situation then he will have to go through 4 sources of Islamic jurisprudence provided by the Shari’ah, in his research, then he can explain his rules related to that situation.
The four Sources of Islamic Jurisprudence
- Quran
- Hadith
- Ijma
- Qiyas
He will research according to the given order. This means that first, he will search for the solution in the Quran. If he’s not able to find the solution then he will approach Hadith, if he is still not able to get the solution, he will take a step forward to ijma, he is not getting the solution from all three options. Now he will go for the last step which is qiyas.
If he does not tries to get the solution from the Quran and directly heads toward Hadith, Ijma, or Qiyas. He is not a faqih and his solution Fiqah is not acceptable at any price.
In Islamic jurisprudence, qiyas is the extraction of rules for a particular situation by a person with extreme knowledge (Faqih).
The universal agreement of the whole Muslim Ummah or the Islamic Scholars on a particular ruling is known as Ijma.
Need of faqih in Islam
A faqih is a need for the religion and the Holy Prophet peace be upon him prayed for it as well, Once the Prophet (peace be upon him) made this Dua for Abdullah Ibn Abbas, “O Allah! Make him a Faqih of the Religion” (Bukhari)
At another point, Ibn Abbas says that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “One Faqih is more superior over Shaytan than a thousand worshippers” (Tirmidhi, Mishkat).
These ahadith show the level and requirement of a faqih in Islam.
Schools of Fiqh
There are 4 major schools of Fiqh. Every Muslim has to follow one of the 4 schools otherwise he is not on the right path, Four schools of Fiqh are: Their schools provide completes Best Islamic classes and Quran memorization course.
- Hanafi
- Shaafi
- Hambali
- Maliki
A little Introduction about Schools
Hanafi school is founded by Imam e Azam Abu Hanifah Nauman bin Sabit. He was born in Kufa, Iraq in the year 80AH. Almost about 420 million Muslims in the world follow the Fiqh of Hanafi School, which is one-third of the world’s Muslim population.
Shafi school is founded by Imam Shafi Muhammad bin Idrees, born in Gazzah in 150AH exactly the day when Imam e Azam the founder of Fiqh Hanafi passed away. According to research, 15 percent of the Muslims in the world follow Muhammad bin Idrees’s school
Hambali school is founded by Imam Ahmed bin Hambal, born in 164AH Baghdad, Iraq. Not a big figure in the Muslim world follows this school.
Maliki school is founded by Anas bin Malik, born in the beloved city Madinah Tayyibah in the year 95AH. Just a few Muslims are left in the world who follow the school of Imam Malik.
May they all be awarded higher ranks in Heaven. (Ameen)
Fiqh books for the Beginners
The beginners should prefer the following books to start learning fiqh,
- Hidayah
- Bahar e Shariyat
- Rad ul Muhtaar alaa Dur e Mukhtar (Ftawa Shami)
- Al Ataa Al Nabawiyyah Fi Al Fatawa Al Razawiyyah
- Al Mukhtasir Al Qudoori
- Al-Usool Al-Shashi
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