Introduction to Surah An-Nas
surah nas is the last surah of the Holy Quran. The number of this surah in the Holy Quran is 114. The meaning of the word “Nas” is “The Men.” The number of verses in this surah is 6. Surah al Nas was revealed in Mecca, so it is called a “Mecci Surah.” The revelation order of this surah is 21. The Juza’ is 30.
We will discuss all the things and attention related to surah nas.
English Translation
There are 6 verses in surah nas. English translation of each verse of surah nas is as:
- Say: I look for shelter in the Lord of humankind,
- The King of humankind,
- The God of humankind,
- From the evil of the sneaking whisperer,
- Who murmured in the hearts of humankind,
- Of the jinn and humankind.
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Explanation Surah An-Nas Translation
Explanation of Verses of Surah Nas:
Verse 1
114.1 (I seek refuge with the Lord of humankind). Here Allah has an attributive name, “Rabb,” who nurtures and shows us that Allah is the world’s supreme and mighty nurturer. He is the Lord of humankind, and I need refuge and protection against all the hardships and evil things in my life with the Lord of humankind.
Verse 2 and 3
114.2.3 (the King of humankind, the God of humankind.) In this verse, the Quran says that Allah is the king of the world. No one is mightier and bigger than Allah. Allah has the absolute authority to control the world. He made the entire universe and managed all the things in the universe. No one is better than him, and he is the manager of all the items in the world. God and King are the two specific terms that are only related to Allah.
Verse 4 and 5
114.4, 5 (from the evil of the whisperer who withdraws [ when Allah’s name is pronounced]. In the first three verses, Quran says the attributive names of Allah, but now in this verse, we come to know that Quran wants to save us from the evil thoughts and the destructive ways of Shaitan. The word khannas is gotten from khanasa, which signifies ‘to sneak, subside or pull out subtly.’
The Shaitan is so named because he places himself in a crouching [roosted] position on man’s core. In this way, when the last becomes lax, the previous murmurs, yet when he recalls Allah, he pulls out subtly. At the point when the man gets ignorant of Allah once more, the Shaitan returns. At whatever point man recollects Allah, he pulls out.
Verse 6
114.6 (whether from among the Jinn or Mankind.) This is explicative of the word “waswas” happening in this verse, implying that the demons from among humanity and the Jinn murmur into the bosoms of humankind. Hence the Messenger of Allah SAW has been urged to continually look for security against sneaking friends’ wickedness, regardless of whether from among the Jinn or from among human villains.
Find Out More : Surah Nasr
Why Surah An-Nas Was Revealed?
One of the Hadith of Sahih Al-Bukhari and many other hadiths of other Hadith books say that Surah Nas was revealed when the Holy Prophet suffered from the effects of a magic spell by a Jew named Labeeb ibn Asam. Zayd ibn Arqam reported that he made a magic spell on the Holy Prophet, and the Holy Prophet was suffering and feeling the harmful effects of it after a few days.
Then after few days, Hazrat Jabril came there and revealed both surah nas and Surah al Falaq. Hazrat Jabreel said that “It was the effects of the magic spell by a Jew, and you are feeling bad due to that magic certainly.” Then after that, the holy prophet told Hazrat Ali to go there and fetch the charm. After reading that surah, Hazrat Muhammad SAW were feeling good and active.
Importance of Reading surah nas
Many Hadith books have narrated many hadith on the benefits of learning of surah nas. All the Holy Quran verses are essential, but verses of this surah are far more critical because this surah was revealed on a unique occasion. Few of the Hadiths are there:
- Abdullah container Khubaib described: Hazrat Muhammad disclosed to me that “Recount Surat Al-Ikhlas and Al-Mu’awwidhatain (Surat Al-Falaq and Surat An-Nas) multiple times at first light and sunset. It will do the trick you in all regards.” (Jami’ at-Tirmidhi Vol. 5, Book 42, Hadith 2902).
- Hazrat Aisha described: Whenever the Prophet SAW hit the sack each night, he used to cup his hands together and blow over it after recounting Surat Al-Ikhlas, Surat Al-Falaq, and surah nas, and afterward rub his hands over his body, he had the option to sharpen, beginning with his head, face, and front of his body. He used to do that multiple times. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, 5016).
- Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri described: Hazrat Muhammad SAW used to look for insurance against jinn’s evil and the hostile stares till Surat Al-Falaq and Surat An-Nas were uncovered. After they were uncovered, he took to them to look for Allah’s security and left everything other than them.
Benefits of Learning Surah Nas
- The benefits of surah nas are that it let us know about the bad and right way of life. I wish to refuge or need help or “Pannah” with Allah.
- In this surah, we have got that Allah is the creator and Lord of humankind. Allah has created all humans, and now we need help or refuge from him. He can protect us from evil thoughts as well as from the sinful ways of Shaitan. Shaitan wants to destroy us and tell us to follow his path of him.
- Shaitan wants us to put ourselves in hell along with himself. Allah wants to protect us because he wants humans’ happiness and success on the day of judgment.
- In this surah, we come that Shaitan is against us and never wants to protect us from “Jahannam.” Shaitan wants to apply many tricks to distract us from the way of heaven. We need the help of Allah to protect us from this way.
Virtues of Reading Surah An-Naas
- surah nas Taweez is great for the assurance of children from Jinn and Shaitan.
- surah nas gives benefits to those who have torment in any portion of the body. The torment would vanish additionally quick remedy when examined on medication, sometime recently taking it.
- Reciting the Ma’udhatayn before sleeping may imply safety, and if presented on any portion of the body that is tormenting, the pain will be relieved.
Difference between Surah An-Nas and Surah Falaq
- surah nas , the second surah of the Mu’awwadhatain, first one is Surah al Falaq, establishes an expansion of its archetype and is in manner corresponding to it, in that in Surah Al-Falaq, the adherents were urged to look for shelter with Allah against the difficulties and privations of life in this world, while in the current Surah, security is looked for from the hardships of the Hereafter.
- It was clarified in Surah Al-Falaq that the word sharr could mean ‘insidiousness’ or ‘hurt’ or even ‘what causes damage, misery, or pain.’
- In the present surah, we are to look for asylum from the underhanded reason for all wrongdoings, specifically the whisperings and implications of Shaitan. As the agony and misery of the Hereafter are generally extreme, the Qur’an suitably stresses toward the finish to look for Allah’s insurance against these insidious forces.
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We know that Surah al Naas let us know that you can get some basic differences between right and evil paths from the whole discussion. The person who wants to learn surah nas in a better way should have to learn the Tafsir of the Holy Quran. Tafsir of Surah al Nas teaches us the tricks played by Shaitan to destroy us.
Hazrat Muhammad SAW told that. It is a must for everyone to learn the Holy Quran in a better way.
Learn surah nas and get the best rewards on the day of judgment as it protects us from evil thoughts and wrong ways.