What are the Responsibilities of Good Quran Teacher 

What are the Responsibilities of Good Quran Teacher 
Responsibilities of Good Quran Teacher

A Quran teacher is someone who helps students to acquire Quran knowledge. Quran teachers have a lot of responsibilities hanging on their shoulders because a lot is expected of terms in terms of character, principle, and attention to the commandments of the Quran they teach their students.

Prophet Muhammad said ‘’Al ulamahu warasatul anbiya’’ which means the teachers are the ones who inherited the prophets. Scholars and students of knowledge are familiar with the number of responsibilities Allah placed on the prophets. Some of their responsibilities include leading their followers in worship, educating their people about the commandments of Allah, taking care of their families, and so many more.

Beloved Prophet (PBUH) said “The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.”

Quran Teacher Job Description

As a Quran Teacher, inspire a profound connection with the Quran, guide learners in Tajweed, and contribute to their spiritual growth. Join a journey of Quranic education. Here’s what a Quran Teacher must possess:

  • Ignite a passion for Quranic studies, encouraging curiosity and a lifelong connection.
  • Demonstrate expertise in Tajweed, ensuring accurate pronunciation and recitation mastery.
  • Cultivate an interactive and positive learning space, promoting active participation and enthusiasm.
  • Guide students on their spiritual journey, aligning teaching with Islamic values and principles.
  • Maintain discipline while fostering a supportive atmosphere for effective and transformative Quranic education.

8 Responsibilities of a Professional Quran Teacher

Here are some responsibilities that every qualified male and female Quran teacher must have.

1. Help Students to Recite and Memorize the Quran

The first and most important duty of a Quran teacher is to teach the Quran. The Quran is different from every other book in the sense that, if you are not taught, you won’t be able to recite it. Even the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him that the Quran was revealed to, was taught by Malaku Jibreel.

In Suratul Kiyama verses 16 to 19, Allah thought of a lesson about how the Quran should be learned. Allah said to his Messenger. ‘’Do not rush your tongue trying to memorize a revelation of the Quran. It is certainly upon Us to make you memorize and recite it. So, once we have recited a revelation through Malaku Jibreel, follow its recitation closely. Then, it is surely upon us to make it clear to you.

This is Allah himself teaching the prophet how to learn the Quran.

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2. Encourage and Motivate Students

As a Quran teacher, you have a duty to encourage and motivate your students. In a class of 50 students, for example, not everybody will be the same. While some will learn very fast, others might take time to assimilate. You owe it a duty to encourage and motivate those that are lagging.

There are many ways to encourage students. You can use stories of the prophets, the Sahabas, or the stories of great scholars to motivate them.

I know of many scholars personally who didn’t graduate with Mumtaz (distinction) when they were in school. Today, they are shining lights everywhere they go.

3. Devise a Means to make Quran Class Fun and Easy

Learning should be fun if we really want to encourage people to acquire Islamic knowledge. As a teacher, you must be flexible. You must be able to communicate and carry everybody in the class along.

If you are in class, do away with things that will scare your students. You should devise every means to make your class lively. Only haram means should be neglected. Some teachers go as far as telling fake stories because they want to make their class lively. This is highly condemned in Islam.

I remember when I was in Madrassa, I always looked forward to Fiqh class because I usually learned new things in every class.

4.  Make sure the Quran is Recited According to the Rules of Tajweed

You can read the Quran with any tone but the rules of Tajweed have to be observed. When you are reciting the Quran, there are some things you have to take note of. Some of them include, where to stop, where not to stop, where to prolong the recitation, and where not to prolong the recitation. These and many more are what you have to look out for.

Stopping where you are not supposed to stop can alter the meaning of a verse and vice-versa.

5. Have Quran or Islamic stories for Your Students

The Quran is a book with a lot of stories. The reason why Allah included the stories of the past people in the Quran is for us the followers of Prophet Muhammad to learn.

Allah wants us to learn from the people who did good deeds and emulate them. He also wants to learn from people who did bad deeds and stay away from them.

Some of the stories in the Quran include the story of the people of the cave, the story of Maryam, the story of the birth of Isa, the story of Prophet Musa, the story of Prophet Ibrahim, the story of Prophet Ismaeel, the story of Fir’aun, story of Qarun, the story of Zurqananain, the story of Iblees, the story of Prophet Adam, the story of Lukman, the story of idolators of Makka, the story of the Jinn’s, story of Prophet Muhammad and many others.

As a teacher, you can pick a particular day in the week and narrate these stories to your students to enlighten them so that students can learn Quran by understanding stories.

6. Organize Musabaqa (Debate) to Encourage Students

It is the responsibility of a Quran teacher to organize quizzes and debates for his students. Debate and quiz program makes students’ research wider. It also serves as a form of encouragement.

A teacher can group his students into groups. Instead of calling them groups A, B, C, and D like everybody normally does, he can call them team Abu-Bakr, team Umar, team Uthman, team Aliyy, team Muaz and so on depending on the population of the students.

Also, there should be a price that will serve as bragging rights for the team that wins each week or each month. That way, the team that loses the present week or month will not want to be on the losing side in the next month.

7. Responsibility of a Teacher to Serve as a Role Model to his Students

in some cases, a teacher is closer to his students than their parents. A teacher sits with students 8 to 9 hours for at least five times a week. Some parents do not spend that much time with their children.

Therefore, you are expected to be of high moral standards as a Quran teacher. You have to be very careful because your students will read meanings into all of your actions. If a random person is caught in bad behavior, a lot of people won’t raise an eyebrow. But if a teacher is caught perpetrating evil, people will be disappointed.

The duty of a Quran teacher is not to teach the Quran alone, he or she is expected to teach morals too.

8. Discipline Students where Necessary

As much as a teacher should try to be lenient, he or she should not hesitate to use disciplinary measures where necessary. Some students tend to take everything for granted if there are no penalties for bad behaviors. Therefore, a teacher should be lenient where he or she is supposed to be lenient and should be tough where he or she is supposed to be tough.

How to Become a Quran Teacher

As a professional Quran teacher, your role extends far beyond imparting knowledge; it involves shaping hearts and minds. Here are the key responsibilities integral to this sacred vocation:

  1. Assist students in the accurate recitation and memorization of the Quran.
  2. Inspire and motivate students, fostering a love for the Quran and its teachings.
  3. Devise creative methods to make Quran classes enjoyable and accessible.
  4. Ensure that the Quran is recited with precision, adhering to the rules of Tajweed.
  5. Enrich the learning experience by sharing Quranic stories and Islamic narratives.
  6. Organize debates to encourage students’ active participation and deeper understanding.
  7. Exemplify the virtues and principles of Islam, serving as a role model for your students.
  8. Maintain a disciplined learning environment.


In conclusion, a Quran teacher has many responsibilities, especially in a world where people are not interested in learning the Quran as much as other knowledge. Quran teachers must devise new methods of teaching that will attract people back to the Quran without compromising  Allah and his Messenger’s commandments. Hidayah Network has the best male and female online Quran teachers to give students Quran and Islamic classes. Join now by getting free trial classes.

For the young ones, no knowledge on earth supersedes the Quran. Every other knowledge in this world is under the knowledge of the Quran.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a Quran teacher do? 

A Quran teacher teaches people to learn to read Quran

What skills do Islamic teachers have? 

Excellent knowledge and application of the Quran recitation rules

What are the five pillars or central teaching of Islam? 

They are shahada (Faith), Solat(prayer), Zakat(alms-giving), Sawm(fasting), Hajj(pilgrimage). 

What are the five times of prayer in the Quran? 

They are Subhi, Zuhr, Asr, Magrib, and Ishai. 

How to be an Islamic teacher? 

A Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in Quran, Arabic and Islamic studies.

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