Prophet Muhammad was born in Makkah; he lived among people who were non-believers and idol worshipers. The time was quite difficult for him as everywhere he saw, there was injustice and cruelty. The Prophet was nothing like the people around him. He was a truthful and trustworthy man for whom he got the title of Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin.
The Muslim World is on a rapid increase since the time of Prophet Muhammad. It is currently the quickest spreading second largest followed religion on the planet. Allah loves Prophet Muhammad (s) and his Household (PBUT) the most. And the Prophet (s) has always done everything that Allah ordered.
Prophet Muhammad said, “If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you.” Allah has mentioned in the Quran for his Habib, “Verily you have in the Prophet of Allah, an excellent model.”(33:22).
The Best Man in the World Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
All the characteristics of Allah are lovely and adorable. The individual of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) was the ideal appearance of the attributes of Allah. He had charming, untouched, and shiny. He expressed himself, He almost certainly advocated his case for the honorability of virtues and achieved the ideal level of profound quality, He was the one whose normal abilities were in immaculate parity.
In Surah Al-Qalam, Allah says, “And thou dost unquestionably have high good excellence.”(68:5)
This prescience so wonderfully, worked out as expected, and proceeds in its legitimacy. Indeed, even today, recalling the character of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) for the downfall of the essayists is thought to be pleasant by one and all.
The innumerable books written about the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) shed ample light on his life history, dates, and events. In comparison, less attention is paid to him being a person of the best manners and moral values.
This aspect of his life is even more critical. Not only does his sacrifices and struggle in the path of Allah make him the best man on the earth, but it also was his humanity. Surprising behavior is what helped him every step along his lifelong journey.
Here are a few of his attributes that everyone around the world admires:
He Did Everything For Allah
Prophet Muhammad (Peace arrive) as caring as an individual could be throughout everyday life. He regularly lived of His life for Allah, and everything which He did was for the Almighty. The degree of His generosity is seen from His proclaiming in the valley of Taif. Where individuals led underhanded youngsters to toss stones at Him while He was lecturing.
. Yet, at the same time, He didn’t gripe to Allah about Him. Such is the benevolence in His character, and each snapshot of His life was for Allah and spreading His message.
Prophet Muhammad (s) did not care about his life or anything personal except for Allah command and whatever made Allah happy. He did not stop even a single time, no matter how difficult the situation may turn out, always kept moving forward to spread the message of Islam and satisfy his Lord every day. He used to pray,
“O Allah, grant me Thy love and the love of those who love Thee and the love of those deeds which enable me to attain Thy love. O Allah, make Thy love dearer to me than my life, my family, and [dearer to me than] cold refreshing water to a man dying of thirst.”
He Was A Lover Of Peace And Prosperity
The overarching view of Islam and the Prophet is that both of them embraced the violence of individuals and were, and are not, for peace. It is outlandish because the religion Islam itself is harmony, and Prophet was an admirer of peace.
He needed individuals to live in agreement and consistently empowered individuals to settle their disparities by selecting harmony.
In the conquest of Makkah, despite all the close encounters of the past, the Prophet (s) liked to set a model by reporting amnesty for everybody on the occasion of the Conquest of Makkah. On this day, the Prophet (s) instructed his companions not to exploit or take vengeance from anyone, and the treaties were made, and forgiveness was granted.
Prophet Muhammad The Most Generous Man
The Holy Prophet (s) was known for his generosity even before Prophethood. At the point when he got his first disclosure, he surged home shaken by the experience.
Khadija (sa), reminded him, “Allah could never embarrass you. You regard your family members, You are consistent with your promise. You help the individuals who are out of luck, You support the feeble, and generous to the visitor, and you answer the call of the individuals who are in trouble.”
And after Prophet Hood, even his enemies anticipated only generosity from him. He didn’t just respond to thoughtfulness and kindness; he stretched out it even to the individuals who were heartless, inconsiderate, and oppressive to him. Nothing is better depicted than when he was thrown out of the town of Taif with blood streaming out of his wounds after he was stoned in the lanes.
Angel Gibraeel came down from heaven to ask for permission to teach the people of Taif a lesson. Still, the Prophet (s) declined and rather prayed for the people; instead, this shows his generosity.
He Respected And Cared For Women
The Prophet ascribed with ladies persecuting qualities. This recognition is likewise off-base since Prophet minded the ladies’ privileges. He praised His supporters for giving different treatment to ladies. And gave them regard and equivalent rights that they should have.
In one of His hadiths, He stated:
“Whoever (brings up) two girls till they come of age, will be in the next world along with me, like my two fingers joining each other.” [Abu Dawud]
He offered inclination to bringing up of female kids. This shows the consideration He had for ladies and their privileges. Prophet Muhammad used to well-treat his wives by feeding them with his own hands. Prophet Muhammad (s) said: “whatever you spend is considered charity even the mouthful that you put in your wife’s mouth.”
He Had No Interest In The Worldly Wealth
An individual who is selfless to the point that He gives whatever He needs to any individual who requests it. And will thoroughly take care of Allah’s purpose is very regular that individual has practically no worry about everyday belongings.
Prophet didn’t need anything of this world; instead, whatever He had He spent it on others and helped them tackle their material issues and issues.
Concerning the trait of His character, one of His companion’s state. “The Messenger of Allah did not leave any gold or silver currency, or a slave, male or female, after his death. He only left behind his white mule, weapons, and land, which He declared as his daughter’s (Fatimah (SA) property.” [Bukhari]
The Prophet’s food was as customary as his contemporaries. He was not requesting what he ate. He never demanded to have a particular food.
As a rule, the Prophet ate grain bread made with whole grain flour, or he used to have just a bit of food dunked in milk. The Prophet’s life partners additionally saw the Prophet’s economical method of eating: as they stated, “The Prophet’s stomach never became filled with food.”
He Was Pleasant
Prophet was the most pleasant individual. He would welcome everybody with a grin and consistently addressed individuals with tenderness.
His companion said about Him: “I have never observed a man who smiled as much as the Messenger of Allah.” [Tirmidhi].
Hidayah Network says this shows the character of the Prophet was pleasant and delicate. He used to play with his grandsons and express his happiness wherever he went—this spread positivity among his companions. As an individual who would grin, the vast majority of the occasions will leave a decent impact on individuals. And any place He would go, He would spread love and pleasantness.
He Had The Best Manners Of All
The Prophet of Islam, from the part of morals, was the most prominent of men and an ideal person. He had every excellent quality flawlessly and was unadulterated, everything being equal and awful habits. The rules of ethics, which are referenced in Islam and the Quran, were embodied in the being of His Eminence as Ayesha, his significant other, and different buddies have likewise conceded.
She stated, “The ethics of the Prophet depended on Quran. He was pleased with whatever the Almighty Allah was pleased with and resented whatever the Almighty Allah was unhappy with”.
He had such astounding ethics that Quran applauded him and said,
“And most surely you conform (yourself) to sublime morality.” (68:4)
The Prophet (s) showed good manners and was courteous to all, even to children. The Prophet (s) demonstrated great habits and was polite to all, even to youngsters. When the Prophet was in a social affair, a drink was delivered to the Prophet (s) and he drank of it.
On his right side, there was a little youngster, and on his left hand were older men.
Feeling obliged by the regard of seniors, and not having any desire to offend the youngster, he asked the boy, “do you mind if I give the drink to them?’ The young boy said: ‘O Prophet of God! By God! I would not prefer anyone to drink from the place you drank. That’s my fair share.18
The Messenger of God (s) handed the boy the drink.” (Bukhari #2319)
He Was Modest
He is unobtrusive of all and never energized any sort of indecency; somewhat He constrained and firmly empowered humility in His supporters. In one of His hadiths,
He stated, “Modesty is a part of the teachings of the previous Prophets, and anyone who lacks it is most likely to do whatever he likes.”
While the Muslims were building their mosque in Madina, the Prophet carried two sun-dried blocks; every other person conveyed one. While burrowing the channel to protect Madina, the Companions bound a stone around their stomachs to control their appetite; the Messenger bound two. At the point when a man seeing him just because he started trembling out of dread since he found the Prophet’s appearance so striking, the Messenger quieted him: “Sibling, don’t be apprehensive.
I am a man, similar to you, whose mother used to eat dry bread.” Another time, a crazy lady pulled him by the hand and stated: “Accompany me and do my housework.” He agreed to her solicitation.
Ayesha detailed that the Messenger fixed his garments, fixed his shoes, and helped his spouses with the housework. Even though his unobtrusiveness raised him to the most elevated position, he viewed himself as a customary worker of God: “Nobody enters Paradise given their deeds.”
Along these lines, humility is essential to Islam, and Prophet being a living and breathing Islam determines that He was unassuming in each regard.
He Was A Considerate Human Being
Some of those who were among the Prophet (s) was not precisely polite and refined. It seems to be seen from different parts that they did not see how reckless they were and that their actions did make others uncomfortable.
For example, a verse discusses individuals going into houses by the back rather than the front. Showing up when the Prophet (s) was feasting, or, more than likely, occupying his time by talking for quite a while.
The Prophet Muhammad (s), then again, was mindful, courteous, understanding, and enlightened, and rewarded such individuals in any case with the best resistance. Additionally, in the most charming way, he cautioned everyone around him against conduct that would make others awkward. Consequently, he won their compassion, showing them through tolerance and perseverance.
That comportment made him a superb model for all devotees and non-adherents. Anas bin Malik (RA), who was brought up in the household of the Prophet and served him for a long time, spoke of his supreme graciousness:
“Allah’s Messenger (s) that when he warmly greeted anybody, he didn’t pull back his hands till the other man pulled back his”. Likewise, “he never put his knees in front of the guy he was sitting with.” Furthermore, “he was never observed to advance his knees before one with whom he was sitting.” “At whatever point, one addressed him the other would stay silent and tune in till he would wrap up.”
He Had A Great Sense Of Humor
Individuals imagine that being a pioneer of Islam, the Prophet had nothing to do with humor. This observation isn’t right, as Prophet was the one with the most exquisite sense of humor, the likes of which again cannot be seen in anyone. His knowledge of fun was not revolting in any reason or anything that would corrupt or ridicule somebody; instead, it was funny and delightful. One of the principal characteristics that charm an individual to us is their sense of humor.
Cleverness in great taste is speaking to everybody, particularly in our upsetting lives today. Several years back, kind-heartedness, jokes, and chuckling were no less. The encapsulation of a perfect Muslim’s character, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s), likewise showed a charming and honorable sense of humor. He participated in conversations, and grinned and chuckled; He was messing with his companions and
Allah (SWT) is the most gracious and the most merciful That said, the last Prophet he sent, who only speaks what Allah wants him to say, who does all that his Lord loves, and who is most loved by Allah ( SWT) bears the characteristics of his Lord.
Prophet Muhammad (s) was the most merciful leader in the history of the world. He has never taken revenge and has never caused any harm to his enemies, no matter what they threw at him and his people.
For example, in the aftermath of the battle Uhad, the Prophet (s), prayed for the enemy who had injured him by the sword. The Prophet (s) did not order for the person who did that to him to retaliate. In this hadith, the Prophet (s) responded by making the following supplication:
“Oh Allah, forgive my people for they do not know.”
The Prophet (s) was lenient as he never punished or forced anyone throughout his life. Also, the non-believers were encouraged to enter Islam, and no one was ever forced to convert. The Prophet never prayed harm for anyone, no matter what they had done.
When a few allies went to the Prophet (s) griping about a clan, in particular the Duas, who would not acknowledge Islam, requesting that he revile them. The Prophet (s) lifted his hands in supplication and rather stated:
“O Allah, guide the tribe of Daws and bring them to Islam!”
The Prophet (s) is not a king who instructs his devotees to make his requests. He generally did his issues and helped other people in aggregate obligations. Aisha was once asked how the Prophet (s) kept on with his kin.
She stated: “He helped and assisted his family members with their chores, but when the call to prayer was heard, he would [stop everything and] leave to attend the prayers.
The Prophet (s) was the most honest man throughout his lifetime. Even the unbelievers consider him to be the most honest, and people have always believed him. They would trust him with their supplies for safekeeping as they knew he was honest.
Even his foes verified his honesty. Abu Jahl, who was perhaps the harshest adversary of Islam, stated: ‘O Muhammad! I don’t state that you are a liar! I just deny what you brought and what you call individuals to.’
God, the Exalted, says: “We know indeed that what they say certainly grieves you, but surely they do not call you a liar, but the unjust deny the verses of God.” [6:33]
The Messenger of God (s) was the most modest individual. He was unassuming that if an outsider were to enter the mosque and approach the Prophet’s sitting spot while he was sitting with his Companions. One would not have the option to recognize him from his Companions.
Anas bin Malik stated: “Once, while we were sitting with the Messenger of God (s) in the Masjid, a man on his camel approached. After he tied it with a rope, he asked: ‘Who amongst you is Muhammad?’ The Messenger of God (s) was sitting on the ground while leaning with his Companions. We directed the Bedouin, saying: ‘This white man leaning on the ground.’ The Prophet (s) did not differ nor distinguish himself from his Companions.”
The Prophet (s) would not stop for a second to support weak, needy, and widows in their necessities. Anas b. Malik said: “A woman from the people of Madina who was partially insane said to the Prophet (s): ‘I have to ask you [your help] about something.’ He helped her and took care of her needs.” (Bukhari #670)
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s) is and will always be the best man to walk this earth. He is the Habib of Allah. He brought Islam to us, and not only did he bring Islam, but he also brought humanity into this world. An example like him can never exist. Books are written by believers and non-believers that are full of compliments about our Prophet (s). We now have to follow his sayings.
Uthman bin Affan reported: The Prophet, peace, and blessings be upon him, said, “The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.”.
So Learn or memorize Quran for blessing and get into Jannah. So if you do not know Arabic then get Arabic classes and memorize Quran online for better learning Arabic and Quran.