How do I start learning the Quran?

How do I start learning the Quran?
how do i start learn the quran

Quran learning is the most amazing experience that a person could have because it is all about self-learning and training that is mandatory for both the lives; here and hereafter.

Tips To Start Learning Quran

It is essential to know how and where to start in an organized way. We have listed below some useful tips of Quran Learning for beginners.

1. Learn the Arabic Language

Are you new to the Arabic language and want to learn it to understand Quran? This is the perfect time and place to start. 

Understanding Arabic is the 1st step towards the Quran learning goal. Starting with the letters, their formation, articulation points, rules, and application, and ending up with reading verses of the Quran smoothly and fluently. All this is required to be learned in order to get on the track of Quran learning.

2. Start With the Easier Portion

So, by now you must have got a good grip on reading verses of the Quran. The next tip is to go easy on your reading. Beginners don’t need to read Quran in the given order. You can start reading the short and easy surah first to gain perfection and then can read longer surahs for further practice of Arabic rules.

3. Practice What You Learn

Arabic is the only language that needs revision and reading practice because many similar letters have different articulation points that are mixed up by non-Arab readers. So, our 3rd tip is to practice Quran reading more and more to reach the point of excellence. 

Tajweed comes in here! To read by beautifying each letter and giving its due recognition is all it means. The more you read Quran with Tajweed, the better will be your recitation.  

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4. Join Online Quran Classes

Our 4th tip is to join Online Quran classes for learning Quran for beginners. They already have a systematic way to teach beginners in a step-by-step approach where newbies are not let get exhausted, bored, or burdened. The strategies, time, learning plan, and everything is synchronised to help starters enjoy their online Quran learning expedition. 

We provide you with the following facilities to make your Quran classes a phenomenal experience.

  • Certified professional tutors.
  • The convenience of All-Time-Reach.
  • Methodical Quran Learning Plan
  • 2 FREE Introductory classes.
  • Evaluation card system via the portal.

Which Quran courses Do You Need to Learn?

Taking a formal course is much better than learning on your own. The reason we offer such a huge variety of Quran courses is to make beginners feel relaxed to start with the basic ones and proceed with their learning capacity.

Scan through the courses’ list to have an idea of where to start.

1. Quran For Beginners Course.

As the name indicates, this course will mainly deal with teaching Qiran to new learners. A Beginner can be anyone; a newly reverted, a Muslim Kid, or A Western Muslim adult. Our Noorani Qaida Course is the bridgehead for new learners. This course teaches you the essentials of the Arabic language through the world’s best-recognized Book Noorani Qaiddesigneds designed by keeping all the basic and mandatory requirements of Qiran reading into consideration.

Noorani Qaida will end up teaching you how to read Quran. You will enjoy every single lesson because we have many interactive and fun-filled activities for kids and adults.

2. Quran Recitation Course

After being able to read verses from the Quran smoothly with the basic rules the next step is to learn Quran recitation. Recitation means to read by pronouncing each letter with its correct articulation,  pausing where it is required, and stopping where it is asked. 

In this course, you will learn the science of Tajweed in great detail. The syllabus is divided into 3 levels that are concocted to make beginners complete each level easily and perfectly. We will start with the short and easy Surahs to help newbies learn to read Quran online with Tajweed efficiently and confidently. Our qualified teachers make sure the speed is kept controlled to let all the alphabet be pronounced utterly and the voice is beautified as much as the recitor could.

3. Quran Memorization Course 

So now you how to read and recite the book of Allah, the next course is to start memorizing the verses and revise them in salah or when and wherever you want to. Quran memorization is totally up to you, whether you want to hifz whole Book or some selected surahs. 

This course is personalized for the student as per their choice. We recommend beginners start with the last juz and easy surahs to become confident enough to move on to the arduous ones. Our memorization classes are held along with the daily revision of the previous lessons to make the verses imprinted in memory chips forever.

Which Books do You need as a Beginner?

1. Noorani Qaida 

Once you start searching for books for beginners, the internet will fill your page with the hundred and one recommendations. The best and the most known in the world is Noorani Qaida, also known as the mini Quran. It comes in a colorful copy and an online pdf version with English translations is also available. This short book has very well-arranged chapters that a beginner can start learning easily. Each lesson has a revision too which makes students keep practising the new language flawlessly.

2. Noor Al Bayan 

Another famous book is Noor Al Bayan. It is almost like Noorani Qaida but just has a different table-o-content arrangement. It is also colorful and a beginner can choose any of these two to commence Quran learning. We also teach Noor Al Bayan through activities and 3d learning techniques.

Whether you start Quran reading from Noorani Qaida or Noor Al Bayan, you will eventually learn Quran readily. Insha Allah

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