
Sunnah (سنة) is the second primary source of Islamic law. The value of the sunnah is next after the Quran. Muslims from the time of Messenger of Allah till today agree that the Sunnah is a source of Islamic law. The Muslims are bound to follow legal injunctions that are derived from Sunnah. Proof of the Sunnah as the source of law is established by Quran and Consensus (إجماع).

In other words, this means that it is obligatory for every Muslim to believe in what the Sunnah tells us. It is important to act according to the Sunnah in all aspects of our life. We should ensure that we do not commit any actions that contradict the Sunnah.

What is Sunnah?

Sunnah (سنة) is an Arabic word. It is defined as the practices, habits, and traditions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The Sunnah is the path of guidance, which the Prophet (PBUH) said in the Hadith,

“Whoever turns away from my Sunnah has nothing to do with me.” 

  • According to a scholar of Fiqh (الفقيه), “Sunnah means recommended acts of worship.” 
  • According to a scholar of Usul al-Fiqh (legal theorist), It is defined as “what was transmitted from the Messenger (PBUH) of Allah of his words, acts and implicit.”

The Sunnah (سنة) represents the teachings, sayings, silent permissions, or approval of the Prophet (PBUH). In other words, the Sunnah of the Prophet is the best article of virtu of his role as the Prophet and Messenger of Allah. We can find the sunnah of Muhammad (PBUH) from his childhood, poverty, his treatment with the people when he became a leader, and his relationship with his family. The Prophet (PBUH) said,

فعليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين المهديين

“So stick to my Sunnah and the sunnah of the right-principled and rightly-guided Caliphs.” ( SUNAN ABU DAWOOD )

Sunnah Meaning in English

Sunnah is an Arabic word but its literal meaning in English is ‘habitual or customary practice’, whether this practice is good or bad. It also means “tradition” or “way.” For Muslims, Sunnah means “the way of the prophet”

Before the Islamic period, Sunnah’s meaning in English was “manner of acting”. When Islam arrived, the term got its meaning changed. Sunnah’s meaning in English was any good precedent set by people of the past, including both Muhammad, and his companions. 

What does the Quran say About Sunnah?

The word “Sunnah” is used several times in the Quran. But there is no specific mention of the sunnah of the Prophet or Messenger. Several verses are calling on Muslims to obey Muhammad (PBUH). Quran points out at many places about the importance of sunnah. 

  • The Quran commands the Muslims to follow the Sunnah i.e., to obey the Prophet (PBUH). 

“O who you believe! Obey Allah and obey the Prophet”. (4:59)

  • Quran says that follow whatever is brought or said by the Prophet (PBUH) and refrain from whatever is prohibited by him. 

“And whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you, abstain from it.” (59:7) 

Different Expressions of Sunnah

Three verses (8:38, 15:13, 18:55) use the expression of Sunnah in different contexts. For example, 

  1. “Sunnat al-Awwaleen” (سنة الأولين), which is thought to mean “the way or practice of the ancients”. It is described as something “that has passed away” or prevented unbelievers from accepting Allah. 
  2. “Sunnat Allah” (سنة الله), “way of God” appears eight times in five verses. Besides, verse (17:77) talks of both the way of others, earlier Messengers and of “our way”, i.e., Allah’s way.
  3. (This is) the way (Sunnah) of those whom we sent (messengers) before you, and you will not find any change in Our way (Sunnatuna, سنتنا).

Thus, the Sunah plays a significant role concerning the Quran in the explanation of legal rules. Sunnah in many instances confirms the Quran and there is no disagreement on this. Sunnah explains and clarifies the Quran, e.g., Salat, Zakat, Hajj, Riba.

Sunnah Prayers

In Islam, the word ‘Sunah (سنة)’, is also used to refer to religious responsibilities that are primary or optional. For example; Salat As-Sunah (صلاة السنة). In addition to being ‘the way’ of Islam, the scholars often call “Mustahab (مستحب)”, regarding some commendable actions e.g., offering in addition to five prayers. 

Thus, Allah SWT ordered us to follow the Sunah and avoid anything that has been prohibited. Some sunah prayers are offered with five compulsory prayers e.g., four Rakat before Zuhr (الظهر) and two after. Some sunah prayers are performed at certain times e.e., at night, during a drought, etc. Similarly, Tahajjud (تهجد), Taraweeh (صلاة التراويح), Kusuf and Khusuf (صلاة الكسوف), (صلاة الخسوف), and Istisqa (صلاة الإستسقاء) are some sunah prayers.

Importance of Sunnah

Hidayah Network tutors say, Sunah has a close relationship with the Quran. It is an explanation and elaboration of the verses of the Quran. If the words of the Quran convey ambiguous meanings and have the possibility of more than one meaning. Sunah is the only resource required in such a case. 

  • It is not a probability to understand the Quran until and unless we follow the Sunah. Sunah correctly interprets the principles laid down in the Holy Quran. 
  • The verses of the Quran give general information about prayer, ablution, hajj, zakat, etc. Thus, Sunah provides us a complete understanding of how to perform prayers, ablution, hajj, what to say in prayers, etc.
  • Allah commands strictly in the Quran to obey His Prophet (PBUH). Therefore, Muslims cannot lead their lives according to Islam except by practicing Sunah along with Quran. Thus, turning away from the sunah is just like turning away from the Quran.

Benefits of Following Sunnah

The traditions, sayings, and habits of the Prophet (PBUH) play an important role in shaping and influencing the life of a believer. There are ultimate benefits for the Muslims who adhere to the Sunah. 

  1. The sunah constitutes the favors of Allah in this world and hereafter. 
  2. The person who follows the Sunah will be guided in the right direction. His reward is eternal paradise. 
  3. The Holy Quran says,

“Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger will be admitted to gardens beneath which rivers flow to live there (forever), and that will be a great achievement.” (4:13)  

  1. The Prophet also said;

“He who obeys me (is like the one who) enters Paradise, and he who disobeys me refuses to enter paradise.” (Bukhari). 

  1. The sweetness of the Sunah will also be tasted during this life. The Prophet’s way is perfect in such a way that it produces physical, spiritual, and psychological benefits.  
  2. The Sunah is complete guidance. He who follows will never go astray. As Muhammad (PBUH) said,

“I have left two things among you, as long as you hold fast to them you will never go astray. They are the book of Allah and the Sunah of His Messenger.” 

Types of Sunnah

There are three types of Elsunah on the basis of‘ fiqh’:

  • Sunnah Al- Qauliyah (السنة القولية):

The sayings of Muhammad (PBUH) are noted down and the sunnah in this sense is a synonym of  ‘Hadith’. It is the sayings of the Prophet (PBUH) meant for legislation and legal rules.

  • Sunnah Al- Fi’liyyah (السنة الفعلية):

The actions of the Prophet (PBUH), both religious and worldly actions having legal content such as his prayer, fasting, and hajj.

  • Sunnah Al-Taqririyyah (السنة التقريرية):

This type is the approval of the practices of the Companions by the Prophet (PBUH). The approval occurred in two ways;

  1. When the Prophet (PBUH) kept silent and did not oppose any action.
  2. When He (PBUH) expressed his pleasure and showed happiness for a companion’s action.

For example, the Prophet (PBUH) did not object to the playing of a spear by two boys in the masjid. 

Classification of Sunah according to its manner of transmission.

List of Sunnah

Allah, the Almighty said, 

“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example to follow”. (33:21)

The Prophet (PBUH) demonstrated the religion as it should be. So, we should look upon his behavior and morals and emulate in our lives. Here is the list of Elsunah that we can follow in our daily lives.

  1. Giving Charity
  2. Using sewak (مسواك) before worship.
  3. Answering the call for prayer (الآذان).
  4. Supplications when entering Masjid and coming out.
  5. Funeral prayers (صلاة الجنازة).
  6. Ablution before taking a bath.
  7. Avoiding anger.
  8. Removing harm from the road.
  9. Washing face three times.
  10. Supplications before drinking water, and eating food.
  11. Forgiveness

Thus, is the best example for believers. Elsunah provides the basis not only for rituals and laws in Islam but for even most mundane activities. Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, 

فمن رغب عن سنتي فليس مني 

“Whoever turns away from my Elsunah is not from me”. (Bukhari, Muslim)

Sunnah Vs Hadith

Elsunah and Hadith are mostly used as synonyms. Elsunah is closely related to hadith as both are by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). One cannot study hadith without the study of Elsunah . Some scholars use these two terms interchangeably. 

  • Elsunah of the Prophet (PBUH) is all about his actions, approvals, sayings, and attitudes. 
  • However, the hadith constitutes his wise sayings, statements, etc, and is the documentation of reports. These reports were compiled by the Companions and followers which later generations read and studied. 
  • Elsunah is the habits and traditions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) copied by his Companions. 
  • Elsunah is a translation of his (PBUH) actions which make him a great leader, generous human, tolerant religious preacher, and a committed statesman. His (PBUH) sayings does not contradict his actions at all. 
  • Therefore, the hadith is the theoretical while Elsunah is the practical aspect of the life of Muhammad (PBUH).
  • According to Sayyid Nasr, “the hadith contributes to the words of the Prophet (PBUH). While Elsunah constitutes his words and actions along with pre-Islamic practices of which he approved.” 

Thus, Elsunah  is often noted as synonymous with Hadith. Since most of the personality traits of our beloved Prophet (PBUH) are known from descriptions of him, his actions, and his sayings from hadith. 

Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah Meaning

A group of Muslims who follow Elsunah of the Prophet (PBUH) directly in terms of speech, action, and belief until the day of judgement are ‘Ahlus Elsunah Wal Jamaah’ (أهل السنة والجماعة). These are the people of the tradition who belong to the community of Sunnis. Some Ahlus Sunnah Muslim scholars such as, Imam Abu Hanifa, Abu Dawud, and Abu Nasr Al-Marwazi reportedly used the term ‘Elsunah’ narrowly. They referred to Sunni Doctrine as opposed to the creeds of non-Sunni sects. 

Thus, ‘Ahlus Elsunah Wal Jamaah’ (أهل السنة والجماعة) are those who remain steadfast upon the adherence of Elsunah. They do not innovate anything in religion and remain stick to Elsunah.


In a nutshell, Elsunnah is such a Prophetic tradition that Quran ordered the Ummah to adhere.

Allah the Almighty said: “Say, (O Muhammad), “If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful” (Al-Imran). 

Hassan Basri said, “The sign of their love to Allah is following Elsunah of His Prophet(PBUH). Because the rank of the believer can be measured by the extent of following the Prophet (PBUH). Therefore, as much as he is following Elsunah , Allah will give him a higher rank.” 

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