Benefits of Taking Weekend Online Quran Classes

Benefits of Taking Weekend Online Quran Classes
Benefits of Taking Weekend Online Quran Classes

Gone are the days when classes were only slated for weekdays. It was as if it was a consensus agreement by everybody that weekends should just be for resting and other things not learning.

Things have changed and people are now seeing that learning during the weekends can be beneficial. Most online and offline Quran schools are now holding weekend Quran classes to accommodate people who are busy because of work and other things during the weekdays.

As we continue to grow, the time we devote to learning during weekdays continues to get slimmer because of the bills we have to pay. The weekends can cover that.

5 Benefits of Taking Weekend Online Quran Classes

In this article, I have compiled seven benefits of getting weekend Quran classes.

1. Ease of Learning 

One of the many benefits of taking weekend Quran classes is the ease of learning. Learning comes with ease when you always look forward to the next class. Unlike weekdays, weekends online classes allow the tutor to cover many things because of the availability of time.

Also, weekend online classes build a solid bond between the tutor and the students. When there is a good bond between the tutor and the student, learning becomes easy. Once learning becomes easy, the result is guaranteed.

2. Weekends Will Be Devoted to Learning Rather Than Fanfare

It is a pity these days that people do not use the weekends to increase their knowledge of the Islamic religion. They rather use the weekends to attend parties, birthdays, and places where the likelihood of sin is very high.

You find people in their twenties, thirties, or even forties who cannot recite Suratul Fatiha correctly not to talk of the entire Quran. What is more worrisome is that the majority of these people I am talking about are graduates of one science, mechanical, or engineering courses in top universities.

If you fall into the category of people who were not privileged to get Islamic knowledge at a young age, is it not yet over. You can still get it now.

If you are busy during the weekdays, do not waste your weekends on frivolous parties. Register with one out of the many online weekend Islamic schools. If you take your studies seriously, you will have achieved a lot in six months. Within a year or two, you should be able to recite the Quran Insha’Allah.

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3. Enough Time to Prepare Before the Next Class

One of the advantages of weekend classes is that you will have time to prepare before the next class. When you take classes on Saturday and Sunday, you will have the entire five days of the week to revise and prepare for the next weekend.

When you have time to go through your lectures very well, the possibility of mastering them is very high. If you can deliver at the next class, it will serve as motivation for you and your teacher.

4. Weekend Classes Build Learning Stability

You have to be stable in anything you do to achieve results. Weekend classes build learning stability because the possibility of attending classes is very high.

One of the major causes of instability when learning the Quran is absenteeism. It slows down your learning progression and demotivates whoever is teaching you the Quran.

Once there is no progress when learning and motivation are not high, the learning is as good as dead. Availability during weekends is one of the factors why Arabic schools now run weekend classes very well. So learn Quran online under the guidance of native Arab Egyptian Quran tutors.

5. Best Time to Revise the Quran for Busy People

Weekends are the best time to revise the Quran for busy people because of the availability of time. When you want to revise the Quran, 100% concentration is needed. This might not be achievable during the weekdays for busy people. As you are reciting or memorizing, you are also thinking about the left-over jobs you need to attend to at the office. In this type of condition, Khushu (piety), Tumaninat (tranquillity), and Tarkiz (concentration) cannot be met which are some of the conditions of the remembrance of Allah. So if you are a beginner and a busy person then weekend Quran classes are best to learn to read Quran for beginners.

These conditions can be met when revising during the weekend because of the availability of time.


When I came up with his topic, one of the fears I had was being misunderstood. I fear some people might just look at the topic and think that I am saying the Quran should be recited on weekends alone.

It was one of the reasons I took my time to explain the tips I gave in the article very well. The fact that you are taking a weekend online Quran class does not mean you shouldn’t recite the Quran every day. The Quran is the book of Allah and it is meant to be recited every day. Quran recitation has many benefits which include calmness of the earth, closeness to Allah, great rewards from Allah, high rank in Jannah, and serving as an intercessor for its companions on the day of Qiyamah (resurrection).

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