The name of this Surah is ‘Al Asr’ which is derived from the first verse. It consists of one ruku and three verses. It has fourteen words and sixty-eight letters, and it is 103rd Surah in the Holy Quran. According to the majority of scholars, Surah Asr was revealed in Makkah.
These are the three verses or the oceans of mystery and knowledge, the shore of which is extinct and their depth is immeasurable. The eloquence of Arabs become a picture of wonder, and the human intellect is dumbfounded at the miracle of meaning.
Tabarani narrated from Obaidullah Ibn Hafs that.
“whenever two Companions (May Allah be pleased with them) of Prophet (PBUH) met each other, one of the Companions would recite this Surah before leaving.”
Imam Shafi’i (may God have mercy on him) has told the truth:
لو تدبر الناس هذه السورة لوسعتهم that is, if people meditate on this one Surah, then this one Surah is enough for their welfare.
Original Words of surah asr
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم○
وَالْعَصْرِ○ اِنَّ الْاِنْسَانَ لَفِىْ خُسْرٍ○ اِلَّا الَّذِيْنَ آمَنُوْا وَعَمِلُوْا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ٥ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرٍ○
Surah Asr English Translation
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful
- Time is witness that, surely, mankind suffers loss
- Except for those who have faith
- Who do good, and become a model of truthful living & practice patience together.”
To learn more : Reasons to learn Quran from a Native Arabic Tutor
Benefits of surah asr
- Surah Asr is beneficial for everyone.
- Recite this Surah seven times and breathe on the water and feed the afflicted person.
- Also, reciting this Surah eleven times after Fajr prayer is a source of strength to stand on the truth and endure hardships.
- There is a hadith that “whoever recites surah asr, Allah Almighty will forgive him.”
- Imam Sadiq said; “He who recites surah asr, in his optional prayers, Allah will raise him with a shining, bright face, cheerful features, and delighted eyes, until when he enters Paradise on the Day of Judgement.”
Thematic Analysis and Tafsir of surah asr
Verse I:
What is the meaning of Asr in surah asr? This Surah is being started by swearing by ‘Al Asr’. Asr means time and Asr is also the part of the day in which prayers are offered between Zuhr and Maghrib prayers. The most excellent witness to the veracity of the fact being stated in surah asr is the time itself.
Some commentators have said that Wal-Asr refers to the covenant of time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Of course, every age bears witness to the veracity of the subjects mentioned in this Surah. But the irrefutable, undeniable testimony given by the Mustafavi era cannot be found anywhere else. Those who did not accept the call of Muhammad (PBUH), despite their emirates, states and various other characteristics, perished, became extinct. Humanity has forgotten them.
But the lucky ones accepted the invitation of this accurate guide and benefited from the bliss of His slaves. They filled their lives with these four virtues.
- Strong belief (Imaan)
- Righteous deeds (Virtues)
- Truth
- Patience
They became the dignity of humanity, the light of the eyes, and the pride of employment. When their names appear on the tongue, the light spreads in the world of purity and profit. Their remembrance shakes the tyrannical powers.
This group of one hundred and twenty-four thousand saints and their footprints have been performing the duty of leading this humanity. They have raised the pride of man with their divinity and sincerity of action. Therefore, If Wal-Asr means the covenant of Prophethood, it will be very appropriate.
Find Out More : 10 Reasons Why Learning Tafsir Is Important
Verse II
In 2nd verse of Al Asr, it is told that every human being is in the loss. Every human is like a person who possesses excellent capital, and every day, a portion of his wealth is taken away without his will.
In this business of life, our capital is time, and there is no other capital more precious than this. Those who waste it aimlessly, waste it in luxury, and spend it in pursuit of perishable and mortal things instead of the remnants of righteousness, will get a profit from the business of life. They have sunk their capital. What could be an immense loss than that?
Losses in return for profit and lost cash time. The possibility of resuming the business was also ruled out. Have you ever seen the plight of a traveller running with his back to the destination, the sun is about to set, the darkness of the night spreading.
Verse III
In the third verse of surah asr, Allah SWT reveals a complete program of four principles (virtues) for this humanity. The lucky people of society who have the following virtues are crowned with real prosperity.
- The first and foremost thing is that they should sincerely believe in their Lord. And confirm the Prophet whom their Lord has sent to guide them and the way of life which this Prophet has presented to them. Accept what is presented wholeheartedly.
- The second attribute is that the heartfelt conviction they have expressed in their language should be confirmed by their every step in the field.
As far as their success is concerned, it is due to the presence of these two attributes. But who would call it a lamp that does not obliterate the darkness of its surroundings?
- Therefore, surah asr says that the third virtue is that he tries his best to accept the truth and establish his supremacy in his sphere of influence. This effort cannot be fruitful as long as he and his hard work do not uphold the truth. Those who accept it should be encouraged to bear the hardships of this path bravely. This is possible only when they continue to teach each other patience and perseverance. Demonstrate perseverance in suffering and set a good example for others.
- Patience is the key to success. This means not only that you should not be harmed and not be frightened, but also that you should be patient in doing good deeds. Be patient in avoiding sins. Be patient in following the rules of Shariah. Be patient in the face of environmental pressures.
When the Ummah, which will be characterized by these attributes, come into being, then the banner of truth will always be high. No storm will be able to subdue it. No wind will be able to extinguish its lit candle. Imagine the happiness of those fortunate people whose perseverance and night vigils gave strength to the truth. Whose sincerity and passion for self-sacrifice and sincerity have lit the candles with which the path is shining. Which is going to take man towards his right and lofty destination.
Find Out More: Surah Feel
Thus, Al Asr is a beautiful Surah of verses with full of wisdom for humanity. Therefore, while accepting the truth and facing the difficulties, patience is being urged to hold fast because getting the fact and showing patience and perseverance in its path are both very important. surah asr is a matchless specimen of brevity and comprehensiveness. A great sense of understanding has been compressed in a few verses. The prosperity of humanity, way to failure and loss is described effortlessly and straightforwardly.
Imam Shafi said quite accurately that if the people only ponder over this Surah well for their guidance, it alone would satisfy them. surah asr is a Quranic miracle, that was described the modern concept relativity of time 1400 years ago.